BEN1 * FALLING OVER ben1 lok6 hi4 = collapsed * ICE * SIDE hiong4 lai4 ben1 = facing which direction ? lai3 ben1 = this side ai4 ben1 = that side dung1 ben1 tdiu2 = at the eastern end BEN3 * FLAT ben3 tdat5 tdat = flat as a pancake tsak5 ben = crushed flat BEN4 * TO CHANGE ben4 zong4 = change appearance mao2 dit6 ben4 tsu1 = no escape from the circumstances BED5 = BET5 * NORTH dung1 lam2 si1 bet5 = east south west north = all the four directions tui1 bed5 fung1 = blowing a northerly breeze BED6 * FAECES o1 bet6 = to defecate lai2 bet6 = in the act of defecating (some times context is meaning in an involuntary manner)